bipolar disorder

How to bring Unwilling Person to Psychiatrist for Evaluation

How to bring Unwilling Person to Psychiatrist for Evaluation ?

Many a times we get a call regarding complain that ” my patient is not willing to see a psychiatrist ” Often, the Mentally ill person is unaware that the symptoms are unusual or that he or she should seek help. In Indian culture and movies psychiatry illness are stigmatized and make it difficult to …

How to bring Unwilling Person to Psychiatrist for Evaluation ? Read More »

bipolar disorder - hindi- nagpur- dr. rameez shaikh

Bipolar disorder in Hindi (बाइपोलर डिसआर्डर)

बाइपोलर डिसआर्डर (Bipolar Disorder)   अत्यधिक मिजाज बदलना की विशेषता वाली एक गंभीर मानसिक बीमारी। भारत में प्रति वर्ष 1 करोड़ से अधिक मामले । सबसे आम उम्र 18-35 । लक्षण बाइपोलर डिसआर्डर (मैनिक डिप्रेशन)   लक्षण कुछ हफ्तों, महीनों या वर्षों तक भी रह सकते हैं। उन्माद ( Mania) चरण की विशेषता है: अत्यधिक खुशी, …

Bipolar disorder in Hindi (बाइपोलर डिसआर्डर) Read More »

Bollywood celebrities with Bipolar Disorder (बाइपोलर डिसआर्डर)

In 2017, 76 lakh people had bipolar disorder in India (The Lancet) but Indians are ignorant about mental health due to the stigma and prejudice against mental illness. Terms such as “Psycho”, ” Pagal” or “Mentally retarded” are used for  people suffering with mental health problems. People prefer to take treatment from physician or neurologist for mental …

Bollywood celebrities with Bipolar Disorder (बाइपोलर डिसआर्डर) Read More »

bipolar disorder

Bipolar Disorder (बाइपोलर डिस्‍आर्डर) (Manic depression)- 10 Most Common Symptoms

What is Bipolar Disorder   Bipolar disorder is a  mental illness that causes major abnormalities in thoughts, energy, mood and behavior—the kind of changes that cause noticeable impairments to your day-to-day life. We all have ups and downs, but people suffering from  bipolar disorder experience these in extreme states, called depression and mania . These …

Bipolar Disorder (बाइपोलर डिस्‍आर्डर) (Manic depression)- 10 Most Common Symptoms Read More »

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