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Understanding Suicidal Thoughts: What You Need to Know

Talking about suicidal thoughts can be tough. It’s one of those things that we often…

Postpartum Depression vs. Postpartum Blues: Understanding the Difference

The postpartum period—after childbirth—is an exciting yet overwhelming time for new mothers. Alongside joy, many…

What to Do If Your Daughter Is Cutting? Understanding and Treating Adolescent Self-Harm

Introduction Let’s talk about something that’s tough to discuss but absolutely crucial—self-harm in teenagers, particularly…

Understanding Morphing in OCD

Imagine standing in front of a funhouse mirror—your reflection keeps shifting, never settling, and each…

Why We Can’t Sleep: A Deep Dive into Sleep Cycles and Hormones

Sleep is so fundamental to our well-being. It’s almost frustrating how elusive it can be…

Scared to See a Psychiatrist? Debunking the Myths

I get it. Just hearing the word psychiatrist can be unsettling. Maybe you’re afraid of…

Dr.Rameez Shaikh


Dr.Rameez Shaikh is trained in Adult, Child, and Adolescent Psychiatry. Because of his broad experience, Dr. Shaikh is uniquely qualified to treat psychological trauma, depression, and anxiety that can occur as a result of injury or disability. For more information, schedule a consultation at Mind & Mood Clinic.

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Panic Attack, OCD, Generalised Anxiety, Phobias, Social Anxiety

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Panic Attack, OCD, Generalised Anxiety, Phobias, Social Anxiety

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Panic Attack, OCD, Generalised Anxiety, Phobias, Social Anxiety
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