Mind & Mood Clinic

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What is CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) ?

CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) is a popular kind of talk therapy (psychotherapy). CBT assists you in being aware of erroneous or negative thinking so that you may better understand and respond to difficult situations.

CBT is founded on a variety of ideas, including the following:

  1. People’s unhelpful habits of thinking can lead to psychological issues.
  2. People can develop psychological problems if they learn harmful conduct.
  3. People can learn to think and act in more advantageous ways.
  4. New habits can help people manage their mental and physical health by allowing them to act more effectively.

Mental Illness that may improve with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy include:

  1. Depression
  2. Anxiety disorders like panic attack and Generalised anxiety disorder.
  3. Social Phobia
  4. Childhood depression
  5. Anger Issues
  6. Marital Conflict
  7. Borderline Personality
  8. PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder)
  9. Sleep disorders
  10. Eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia and binge-eating disorder)
  11. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  12. Substance use disorders like alcohol, cannabis, tobacco, etc
  13. Bipolar disorders
  14. Sexual disorders like PME and ED

Example of CBT How it works for Dental Phobia

  • A person with dental phobia, for example, is afraid of seeing the dentist because they feel they will be in excruciating pain or perhaps die as a result of the operation. This phobia may have developed as a result of a past unpleasant event, possibly as a youngster.
  • A CBT therapist can help the client overcome the erroneous belief that “since I suffered pain with a filling, all dental appointments would be difficult.”
  • Togetther, the client and the therapist can devise a strategy for overcoming the phobia of dental treatment.

Mind & Mood Clinic, Nagpur For Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Dr. Rameez Shaikh, MD is consultant Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist in Nagpur. We provide online as well as OPD basis CBT Session. We provide Affordable, and Professional Therapy from Any Device. Text, Chat & Video Options Available. Convenient, Discreet, Professional Online Therapy Anytime.


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