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Masturbation: Myths vs Facts

Whether you’re sexually active with other people or not, masturbating (sexologist in nagpur - dr. rameez shaikhtouching yourself for sexual pleasure) is completely acceptable. Masturbation has also been shown to have health advantages, such as stress reduction.

Do the majority of people masturbate?

There are a lot of folks who masturbate! It’s typical for people of any gender or age to do it, even if they don’t talk about it. Children sometimes realise that caressing their genitals feels wonderful even before they reach puberty. If you have children and spot them caressing their genitals, explain to them that masturbation is perfectly normal but should be done in secret.

People masturbate for a variety of reasons: it helps them relax, they want to learn more about their bodies, they want to release sexual tension, or their partner isn’t available. However, most people masturbate because it makes them feel good. Many individuals believe that masturbation is reserved for those who do not have a sexual relationship. People who are single and those who are in relationships both masturbate.

Some people masturbate frequently, while others masturbate infrequently, and yet others do not masturbate at all. People masturbate in a variety of ways and for a variety of reasons. Masturbation is a completely personal choice, and there is no “right” way to do it.

Is it acceptable to masturbate when in a relationship?

Definitely. In relationships, a lot of people masturbate. If you’re in a relationship and you’re masturbating, it doesn’t mean your partner isn’t fulfilling you. It’s a fantastic approach to learn out what you enjoy and what makes you swoon. After that, you can exhibit or tell your lover what makes you happy. Talking about sex with your partner might make it more enjoyable and possibly strengthen your bond. Some folks masturbate with their spouse at the same time. It’s a way to have sexual relations with someone without the risk of STDs or pregnancy.

What are some Masturbation Tips ?

Masturbation is an excellent approach to become acquainted with your own body. It’s perfectly normal and healthy – almost everyone masturbates at some point in their lives.

There are numerous myths that are intended to scare you into believing that masturbation is wrong or harmful. The truth is that it is completely safe. Masturbation does not cause you to become blind, insane, or foolish. It won’t harm your genitals, produce pimples, or prevent you from growing normally. It doesn’t exhaust your orgasms or degrade other types of sex.

Here are some suggestions for masturbation:

  1. Before contacting your penis, vulva, vagina, or anus, wash your hands.
  2. Make sure you use a good lubricant. It reduces friction, making things more comfortable and preventing minor tears in your skin.
  3. Make sure your sex toys are clean. Bacteria can build up and create an infection if this is not done. The easiest approach to keep sex toys safe is to use a condom that you change every time the toy is passed from one partner to the next or from one body orifice to another — mouth, anus, or vaginal — Clean sex toys before and after each usage if you don’t use condoms. Clean your toy according to the instructions on the package.
  4. Do not share sex toys with several partners without cleaning and replacing condoms on a regular basis.

Does Masturbation Have Side Effects?

Masturbation is perfectly normal but Excess can have a number of physical and mental adverse effects.

Excessive masturbation can cause oedema, guilt, and skin irritation, to name a few physical negative effects. Oedema is the swelling of body parts caused by infection or inflammation. Tightly gripping the penis can result in severe swelling. It might cause skin irritation and tears. It can also cause intense feelings of guilt, which can make a person depressed or make them feel bad about themselves. This can lead to despair and phobia, as well as a change in how he or she behaves in society.

Mental side effects: Excessive masturbation is a psychological war on the inside. You will notice behavioural changes such as deferring religious ideas, poor sexual communication, unneeded sexual fights with your partner, and relationship troubles when your perception of certain phenomena changes.

One symptom that masturbation is an addiction is a strong sense of guilt afterward. This may result in increased substance consumption like tobacco or alcohol. Masturbation becomes an issue when it becomes compulsive or if you force yourself to do it. It’s quite acceptable to do so, but don’t let it dominate you.

What are the symptoms of Masturbation Addiction ?

While masturbating on a frequent basis does not necessarily indicate that you have a problem, any of the following signs may indicate that it’s time to seek help:

  1. Masturbation consumes a significant amount of your time.
  2. Masturbation is affecting your personal or professional life.
  3. Masturbation is preferred over in-person actions (e.g., going home instead of staying at a party, choosing to be alone instead of with a partner).
  4. You find yourself masturbating in public or in settings where you wouldn’t normally do so (e.g., a public restroom).
  5. When you don’t feel like it or aren’t aroused, you’re masturbating.
  6. Masturbation is a way for you to cope with bad feelings.
  7. You feel guilty or unhappy during masturbating or afterward, and you find yourself thinking about it frequently.

Where to consult for Masturbation and Porn Addiction ?

Dr. Rameez Shaikh, MD is consultant Psychiatrist  and Sexologist in Nagpur . He is certified sex therapist and counsellor from M.S.S/Dr Mahinder C Watsa. You can consult online or offline for sexual problems.

Know that you are not alone if you are battling with masturbation addiction. There are those struggling with this type of addiction who will be able to relate to and validate your experiences. If you’re having trouble controlling your urges to masturbate and finding it difficult to focus on work or your personal relationships, a trained mental health professional can work with you to identify your triggers and teach you healthy coping techniques.



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