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Parenting Tips for Child with ADHD

Parenting Tips for Child with ADHD

Children with ADHD are frequently hyperactive. Organized sports and other physical activities can help kids release energy in a healthy way while also allowing them to concentrate on specific motions and skills. Physical activity boosts brain growth and enhances concentration. It promotes better sleep, which can help to alleviate symptoms.

Choose a sport that your child will love and that complements his or her abilities. Sports that need a lot of “idle” time, such as cricket, are not the ideal option for youngsters with attention issues. Individual or team sports that demand constant motion and martial arts training, such as basketball and tennis, are preferable choices. They also improve mental control while exercising the body.

Sleep is essential for children with ADHD. Inadequate sleep can be quite harmful to them. Their hyperactivity might cause over stimulation and difficulty sleeping. Try one or more of the following ways to assist your child obtain better sleep by establishing a consistent, early bedtime:

  • Reduce your child’s television time and boost his or her activities and exercise during the day.
  • Remove coffee, Coca-Cola, and sweets from your child’s diet to reduce inattention and hyperactivity.
  • Create a quiet period right before bed to help you relax. Quieter hobbies, such as colouring, reading, or playing quietly, can be used.
  • Before going to bed, cuddle your youngster. This will provide a sense of affection and security as well as a chance to relax.

White noise (the sound of an electric fan running) is typically soothing to children with ADHD. Children with ADHD are known for not eating on a regular basis. Without parental supervision, these children may go hours without eating and then gorge on whatever is available.

Smaller, more frequent meals may benefit your youngster. Encourage good eating habits in your child by spacing nutritious meals or snacks no more than three hours apart. Meal times provide a welcome reprieve from the day’s routine. When eating out, avoid fatty and sugary snacks, chips, and other junk food. Give your youngster a vitamin and mineral supplement on a daily basis.

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